Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bye-Bye Birdie ....

In this case, HELLO Birdie!
I need to back up a bit. While visiting family over Thanksgiving, I spied the coolest piece of Sagebrush in a galvanized bucket for a decoration. Me? Copy something like that? You bet I would! Mimicry is the best for of flattery ... or so they say.
After retuning home, Hubby found a wonderful piece of Sagebrush and in a bucket of my own it went. Now this piece of shrubbery needed decorating. Besides, I had made a flock of birds for a local Holiday Craft Show, and what a perfect display piece it made. Once getting it back home, I added lights and ornaments to make it a bit more Christmas complete.
So, if you have an inkling to make your own flock, here is the pattern:
I over heard one woman mention she made some for a crib mobile for her infant daughter, and the article associated with this pattern says the birds were made for a bird themes wedding. All I can say, is I have another flock in the process of being made, and they are easy and fun ... and if you don't want to attempt to make them, but want some, just let me know and I'll make them up for you. Some are going on our etsy page WillowMesa soon, too.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Join me on Facebook! .....

I have decided to incorporate Pins and Tangled Needles on Facebook. The social network is huge and the way I see it, what a wonderful way to access all of the extraordinary talent that is just waiting for us to meet. The friendships that are awaiting us is just to good to pass up.
So PLEASE! Join me on the Pins and Tangled Needles Facebook page and let us get started on the fun. There will be a Mystery Quilt starting soon as well as BOM and Sampler blocks being prepared for sharing. As soon as there are enough people to participate, I want to get a Round Robin started.
Do you knit or crochet? Well, never fear, there will be plenty of inspiration directed in your direction, too.
Bobbin Lace and Tatters out there? Well, as "I" want to learn those fascinating arts, I have every intention of bringing those people with the love and knowledge to help us pick up a new hobby ... or two.
As always, I want to share recipes, folklore, and pictures. Everyone has a favorite picture of their own personal artwork to share don't they? And I haven't met any one yet who doesn't have a story to share. Not to mention, quilters don't go anywhere without a plate of cookies! ;)
There are plenty of other thread and fiber arts that need to have their own special limelights, and I sincerely believe that you and I can expose the pure love and enjoyment they have to offer.
I also want to incorporate contests and monthly drawings. If any of you want to promote your business or art form to help out with the monthly drawings, please let me know.
Okay, I believe that is all for today.
As the New Year approaches, let us remember how wonderful 2012 can be with new Friends and arts and crafts to do and share.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sweet coolness ....

Woke this morning to a chilly house! Love it! Wonderful, wonderful cool crisp air! Hey, living in a semi arid desert region makes summer time hot. I look VERY foreword to Autumn ....

Note the little gadget button I put in the upper left corner this morning! A Christmas Quilt Along is definitely in order as the weather brings us all back indoors to find snuggly comforting things to occupy our time.

How many of you only make homemade gifts for Christmas? Like me, I can well imagin there are some people who cherish that homemade gift far more than one purchased at the dreaded Mall (I don't like Malls all that much). Well, if you haven't already begun your homemade gift giving projects, let's get underway together! What are your plans? Who are you making things for? Do you get all giddy feeling just thinking about it?

Well, I'm off to the work room!

You all have a wonderful day!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Little Girls ....

Have I mentioned how I love little girls clothes? Probably not ... but now you have heard it from me. I LOVE little girls clothes. However, I like little girls clothes to carry a twist. I find pastel has its place, but I much prefer a bolder look. After talking to a few wee ones, I have discovered they want to look like their Moms.

As soon as I find decent little girl mannequins ... or a way to photograph the little darlings clothes, I will begin sell them (the clothes, not the little girls) on etsy. Here is one of the outfits. This one is a girls size 6. Three pieces consisting of jacket, skirt and petti-underskirt.

Back to the mannequins. Ebay has some nice cloth type ones that appear to be right up my ally. The one I have now is a hard plastic and there is NO way to manage the arms properly. It is beyond difficult working sleeves of dresses onto this bazaar mannequin. So, as soon as I replace her, I think she can go to live at Goodwill or something.

Idiom for the day: Can't Cut the Mustard .... in other words, a new girls mannequin is an absolute must!

The sky is, again, abeautiful shade of blue and hardly a breath of air ...colors are beginning to turn. Autumn is beautiful here ....

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Idiom: Sitting on pins and needles ... OUCH!

Alright, so it doesn't mean to actually sit on pins and needles .... but it does mean someone is very anxious and/or nervous. Where am I going with this, you ask? Well, it never ceases to amaze me how life can generally get in the way with something you may really want to do. If you find yourself overly thinking about those desired aspects you find yourself anxious. But! ....

Life is finally calming down.

I "should" be able to get crafting and work out those business ambitions.

I should ... I should ... I should ...

Well, here is to a positive outcome. As always, I have such high hopes and dreams to really get my business up and running. So many things that scream for attention from sewing to knitting and a bazillion things in between.

I woke up this morning to the sun shining. The sky has been the most amazing color of blue today. My sewing room is completely located to a wonderful new room. And as I sit here writing to you on this blog site called Pins and Tangled Needles, the only anxiety I feel is the anticipation of the bright days coming.

Perhaps each blog should contain a Idiom ... I like them ... they make me smile.

Have a tremendous rest of the day ... see you tomorrow!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Ewe Ewe Yarns Cafe Latte Cowl Knitting Patterns - NobleKnits Yarn Shop

Ewe Ewe Yarns Cafe Latte Cowl Knitting Patterns - NobleKnits Yarn Shop

I absolutley love this little pattern! Is it to early to start thinking winter knit wear? I mean really ... is it?

As I sit here, pondering this question in the comfort of an airconditioned house, knowing that it is 90+ degrees outside, I know I can long for the cooler months of fall. So with that in mind, shouldn't I be prepared? Shouldn't I enter the cooler months in style?

ABSOLUTELY!!!!''This pattern will be downloaded ASAP, and with kniting needles in hand, I will venture into the land of COOL!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Farewell Young Zucchini ....

Never have I seen a Zucchini plant die! The hail we experienced while living in Cheyenne, Wyoming never even killed the ever producing plant. I have gone from going to bed at night, horror filled, just knowing those 3 inch fruits were going to be 2 feet long when I awake in the morning, to, "What the heck is going on with these plants?!" (yes, you read that right, we are insane enough to love zucchini and we plant more than one plant .... sigh ....). In a short period of time I have seen the plants, tall and thriving, reduced to flat and dieing. The picture at the right was taken when we were hoping it would return to its former beautiful producing self.

First they were checked for the dreaded Squash Beetle. Those little buggers can suck the life out of a plant over night! Alas, no beetle. hmmm .... We don't like to spray our veggie plants. We like it organic. However, nothing organic was working. This called for the tough stuff.

Plants still declined.

The next thing to do was ..... Google.

The culprit? The Vine Borer. Some nasty little worm that is the result of a moth. Once the worm is in the plant there is nothing to be done ....

After the playing of Taps, the plants were pulled .... and new ones planted to take their place. In 3 to 4 weeks we will once again be enjoying one of our favorite garden veggies.

In the meantime, peas are just about finished. Tomato plants are setting fruit wonderfully. Peppers are coming along great, as are the onions and potatoes. We've been enjoying a big variety of lettus, spinach and mustard greens .... the radishes fell short this year, and I don't even want to talk about the cabbage (the life was probably sucked out of them by the vine borers cousin or something)

But even after witnessing the demise of garden veggies, life does go on .... and not just out in the garden. I don't know what has happened! The planets have finally aligned and I have been super charged with creative ideas! Holy cow! This is great!!! Let's just say for starters, I am up-cycling men's neck ties ..... from assorted new accessories to jackets (which I am working on today). Items to be sold via Willow Mesa, and more on that later.

You ALL have a wonderful day!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This poem made me smile ....

Actually, it made me laugh!

Allow me to share it with you.

To Stash or not to that the question?
by Juanita K Bard (With apologies to Shakespeare's HAMLET)

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous mis-organization

Or to take arms against a sea of clutter

And by opposing end it? To organize?To give away? To sew not more?

Nay...To sew I must..perchance a new patchwork

Or try a new paper piece pattern

For who can bear the whips and scorns of

The ever present 1/2 price sale ads

That makes a calamity of our credit cards..

To file or not to file my patterns

To group by pastels and darks

And by organization to say we end

The heartache of rummaging around

For just that right piece of fabric
That our sewing is heir to, 'tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wish' organize,

To conceal in boxes...and boxes galore

In plastic containers that overflow on the floor

To organize, perchance to achieve it....ay, there's the rub;
For in that great organization of fabric what dreams may come

When we have shuffled off this mortal unorganization

Must give us pause there's the respect

That makes calamity of so organized a sewing room;

For who can bear to whittle down her Stash...

The pangs of that separation of fabric

To grunt and sweat under the strain

Of not seeing forever the beloved Stash...

But that the dread of something after death,

The undiscover'd boxes...from who boundary
No traveler returns, puzzles the will

And make us rather think we have

To give to others that we know not of?

Thus conscience does make swappers of us all;

And thus the native hue of resolution
Gives way to the pale thought and enterprises

Of that great moment with this regard

To our current Stash...Organize...give away!!!!

And lose the name of clutter... Soft you now!Oh, fair quilters... in they orisons

Be all my Stash remember'd.....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Knit in Public Day ....

So! This morning I went and bought some Vanna's Glamour yarn by Lion Brand. This week, with a Michael's coupon, you can get $5 off with each $25 you spend. I don't know how you feel about having stashes, but my personality loves it VERY much. FYI, my fabric stash is winning by far, but the yarn stash gets added to whenever I come across sales and coupons like this one at Michael's. ;)

If you click on the link I posted above, you will see the little bracelet patterns for free. I decided to make the knit cable stitch bracelets (I LOVE cables!). I purchased metal colored yarns. Silver, gold and brownish copper. When they are knit, I plan on adorning them with some beads, pearls, charms and the like. Might as well make them look like bracelets, I guess.

So here I sit with size 4 bamboo needles and fun glittery yarn. Will I be knitting in public on Saturday? I'll give it my best shot. But it would be easier if I had a knitting buddy to knit with .... Who knows? Maybe I have a knitting buddy who will be looking for me as much as I am looking for them ....

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Natural Form era gown ...

Finally finished and out the door to it's new owner .....

Here is the side front and back views.

Created with salmon taffeta, light green woven textured satin, floral silk, off white satin ribbon, dark green braid, tan lace.

Normally listed under House of PoLiegh Naise. This is the last gown which will be created under that title. I need a break from making historical gowns. The economy does not allow these gowns to be sold for what they should be properly sold for. So until the economic situation increases, I think PoLeigh will just take a vacation ;)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pins and Tangled Needles?

Yep! I changed the name of the blog .....

This one actually describes the things I am doing.

Pins for everything fabric .... which, marks my words, incorporates a lot of my life from historical clothing to quilts.

Tangled needles is dedicated to knit and crochet .... and tatting to bobbin lace.

Will I slip in a recipe or two? Of course!

Will there be folklore? Absolutely!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Basket Swap ....

Shame on me! Why on earth have I waited so long to blog? I need to work on that, don't I? Actually, I have been considering a different blog name, but thoughts are just that .... thoughts.

Ok. So I participated in a basket swap which was such a refreshing thing to do!

This is the one I received along with the wonderful goodies which came from Marj Coldiron in South Carolina. I am still chuckling at the Aspirin Milk Chocolate! LOL Look at those fat quarters! Aren't they wonderful? And who doesn't like Lemon Iced Tea? I mean really?! Don't tell me if you don't ... it will only shatter my delusion. ;)

This pink and brown basket is the one I made.

My heart goes out to the people who have suffered so horribly this spring season. I can not even imagine what they must be going through. To loose so much in a blink of an eye would be traumatic indeed. My thoughts and prayers to all.

I looked at the thermometer at 7AM this morning and saw it said 80 degrees. The wind is blowing like it did when we lived in Cheyenne, Wyoming! I thought how glad I am to not be living in Tornado Ally ..... I love the area of the Western Slope Colorado I live in!

Our Veggie garden is planted and we are already enjoying lettus, spinach and radish. Saw tomatoes , ever so tiny, on a few of the plants. Potatoes will need to be mounded soon .... Awe! Love the garden!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mug Rug Swap ...

Good morning to you from Hey Grandma!

I look out the window at the Sun shining down on the snow we had Tuesday. Another blanket of diamonds! Sooooo beautiful! Heard this morning where will be in the mid 50's early next week ... hmmm, you just never know what the weather is going to do!

Here is a picture of the two Mug Rugs I made for a Mug Rug Swap I entered. Mine travel to Washington .... I anxiously await to see where my two come from.

These were so much fun to make! I am making more to sell in sets of two at Willow Mesa. I think I am going to have several different categories like Basket Series, Bird Series, Dish Series .... Mix things up with patterns and colors ... should be fun.

I am still looking at the blocks and fabrics (now on top of the pile) with the Sampler Quilt .... Looking isn't making up the blocks though right? LOL I'll get there!

Hey Grandma! wishes you all a wonderful day ... I need to get back to some Domestic Goddess type duties and then to the sewing room!

Friday, February 4, 2011


The sun may be shining, but DANG! It's cold! Odd to think that we get over a 100 degrees in the summer with this cold thing going on ....

So much the better, I suppose. It keeps me in the house creating, which is where I want to be anyway! LOL

I finished the knit project? What do you think? I am very happy with it! It has been mailed to it's Birthday gift location, and I started another one to sell on Willow Mesa. Actually, because the pattern was so quick and fun, I'm going to make a few out of different weight yarns for different looks. Oh, and meet Babette! She'll be hanging around from time to time to help display.

Remember the Sampler Quilt I was making before Christmas? Do you have to think back pretty hard? It's been a while, huh? I pulled the project to the top of the pile it was in .... I really want to get back to working on that. Progress will be pictured soon ...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Willow Mesa has been launched ...

Yes, I realize I have not been posting of late, but there have been things going on. One is getting a new business adventure off the ground. Join us if you like! Willow Mesa blog:

We also are on Facebook (Willow Mesa), so if you want to keep up with us there, we would certainly appreciate that as well!

Now, on a personal Hey Grandma! things. I did something totally fun! I signed up for a Mug Rug Swap! I am working on my two rugs today, and I'll share the pictures of them when they are completed and before I mail them to their new secret home. I don't this type of thing very often, but I do believe I will change my tune! This is lots of fun! I can't wait to see the two Mug Rugs I get and from where they come from .... what a great way to meet someone new!

Ok, I'm back to the sewing room!

Hey Grandma! wishes you a great rest of the day!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Got a hankering to knit! .....

It has been awhile since the urge to knit hit me, but when I saw this scarf in the recent issue of Belle Armoire (Love, Love Love that magazine!) I knew locating the needles was the thing to do.

Actually, I couldn't find my needles for the life of me! Hobby Lobby had them on sale this week at 40% off. See? It was meant to be! LOL

So, this afternoon I began the scarf. Thank goodness for google, as I was having a hard time remembering a few things associated with knitting. It was great to see a picture and remember what to do! Lets me know I have not totally lost it LOL (I have a birthday coming up and the "loosing it" seems valid these days LOL)

I worked in the sewing room for a bit today too .... pictures on that later.
Hey Grandma! wishes you all a great rest of the day!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

I'm Dreaming of a White New Year ....

And I got it too! There is a ski resort 45 minutes from here that was not sure if they were going to be open for Christmas. Well, at the last minuet they received their snow, but we here in the valley did not benefit from that storm. Lo and Behold what did our eyes see appear, but clouds in the sky with snow falling .... ok, just couldn't find anything to rhyme with appear .... I sew and cook, not write poetry. teehee

January 1, 2011 .... January 1, 2011 ....2011 2011 Practicing the year so I write it correctly on the first check I write LOL

So, how many of you admit to being technologically inept? I raise both arms and wave wildly! I am a Facebook fan ... I love keeping up with family and friends with whom I can not see regularly. I love supporting cottage industries that many folks have been creating. Now I have enough trouble playing the FB game without having FB put little hitches in the way to entrap me. Long story short. If you have a friend who has the Etsy tab on their Facebook page, go ahead and click on it to see the wonderful things they may be selling on Etsy. But if you click on it and it directs you to click on another button ... DON'T! My Etsy page was put on someone else's today ... sorry Elizabeth (blush) Hope that can get taken off of there ....

Still waiting on my ever talented niece to work up the design on our new business cards. As soon as they are ready, Hubby and I will be getting the new business off it's feet. Looking forward to creating again with a wider palette of merchandise.

Hey Grandma! wishes you a beautiful beginning to a new year!