Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Little Girls ....

Have I mentioned how I love little girls clothes? Probably not ... but now you have heard it from me. I LOVE little girls clothes. However, I like little girls clothes to carry a twist. I find pastel has its place, but I much prefer a bolder look. After talking to a few wee ones, I have discovered they want to look like their Moms.

As soon as I find decent little girl mannequins ... or a way to photograph the little darlings clothes, I will begin sell them (the clothes, not the little girls) on etsy. Here is one of the outfits. This one is a girls size 6. Three pieces consisting of jacket, skirt and petti-underskirt.

Back to the mannequins. Ebay has some nice cloth type ones that appear to be right up my ally. The one I have now is a hard plastic and there is NO way to manage the arms properly. It is beyond difficult working sleeves of dresses onto this bazaar mannequin. So, as soon as I replace her, I think she can go to live at Goodwill or something.

Idiom for the day: Can't Cut the Mustard .... in other words, a new girls mannequin is an absolute must!

The sky is, again, abeautiful shade of blue and hardly a breath of air ...colors are beginning to turn. Autumn is beautiful here ....

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Idiom: Sitting on pins and needles ... OUCH!

Alright, so it doesn't mean to actually sit on pins and needles .... but it does mean someone is very anxious and/or nervous. Where am I going with this, you ask? Well, it never ceases to amaze me how life can generally get in the way with something you may really want to do. If you find yourself overly thinking about those desired aspects you find yourself anxious. But! ....

Life is finally calming down.

I "should" be able to get crafting and work out those business ambitions.

I should ... I should ... I should ...

Well, here is to a positive outcome. As always, I have such high hopes and dreams to really get my business up and running. So many things that scream for attention from sewing to knitting and a bazillion things in between.

I woke up this morning to the sun shining. The sky has been the most amazing color of blue today. My sewing room is completely located to a wonderful new room. And as I sit here writing to you on this blog site called Pins and Tangled Needles, the only anxiety I feel is the anticipation of the bright days coming.

Perhaps each blog should contain a Idiom ... I like them ... they make me smile.

Have a tremendous rest of the day ... see you tomorrow!